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Tax Law
I can deduct my medical and dental expenses, right?  This is common statement, or question asked of a tax attorney.  The answer is, yes, you can but there are limitations.  The article below has been drafted by a Denver tax lawyer at The McGuire Law Firm regarding the deduction of medical and dental expenses. Medical...
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If you are asking what is the Trust Fund Recovery Penalty, it is likely that you own a business and that your business owes 941 taxes to the Internal Revenue Service.  If you find yourself in this situation, it is recommended that you contact a tax lawyer or tax professional.  Owing 941 taxes to the...
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With so many different types of tax returns, tax forms and tax schedules, many people get confused as to what each tax return or form is and if they are required to file such tax return.  The article below has been drafted by a Denver tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm to outline common...
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If you owe taxes to the Internal Revenue Service, a Collection Due Process Hearing may be available to you and may be a valuable “tool” and option to resolve your IRS tax debt.  The article below, drafted by a Denver tax lawyer at The McGuire Law Firm will discuss what a Collection Due Process Hearing...
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You owe taxes to the Internal Revenue Service.  You know you owe taxes to the Internal Revenue Service and you have received notices from the Internal Revenue Service.  However, you have been scared and unable to pay the tax debt so you have not contacted the IRS or established an agreement to resolve the tax...
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Many people, including family, friends, clients and potential clients will ask, what is a tax lawyer?  A tax lawyer is not necessarily preparing tax returns all day.  Tax law is applicable in almost every area of law.  Ask yourself: what aspect of the law does not involve tax?  The sale of a business involves tax...
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What is a pass through entity?  This is a common question clients will ask their business attorney or tax attorney.  Business owners will have heard the term “pass through entity” but they may not fully understand what the term means and how it will apply to and affect them as an individual taxpayer.  The article...
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As a tax attorney, I have seen many so called “tax problems.”  I have also resolved many tax problems for my clients.  The term tax  problem is pretty generic and in many respects not very specific.  Therefore, this article has been drafted to outline and better define some of the common tax problems I have...
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What is an IRS tax settlement?  How can I settle my IRS tax debt?  How much will I have to pay to settle my IRS tax debt?  These are common questions that taxpayers will ask a tax attorney.  The article below has been drafted by a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm, who has...
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What is a Schedule K-1?  This is a common question a business owner may ask their business attorney or tax attorney.  The article below has been drafted by a tax attorney in Denver to help explain a Schedule K-1 and the importance of a K-1 as it relates to tax matters. Schedule K-1 is an...
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