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A limited liability company (LLC) is a popular choice of entity for many business owners in Colorado.  Further, many business owners in Colorado will form other forms of partnerships whether they actually mean to or not.  When forming the actual entity though many business owners are unaware of the statutory requirements to form the business...
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When forming a partnership the partners will make initial capital contributions and may make additional contributions depending upon the operations of the partnership and partnership agreement.  Common capital contributions may include cash, property (vehicles, equipment, computers etc.) and sometimes services. The video below has been prepared by a tax attorney and business attorney at The...
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What is a limited partnership? Previously, a Denver business attorney from The McGuire Law Firm has discussed certain types of entities including partnerships in previous articles.  The article below will discuss a limited partnership. A limited partnership could be considered a type of hybrid business structure because there are multiple types of partners/members. In a...
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A limited liability company (LLC) can be managed by a manger or managers, or the LLC can be managed by the members of the LLC.  There are advantages to both depending upon the circumstances of the business, the knowledge of the members, the involvement of the members and other issues.  For example, the members of...
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