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Offer in Compromise
If you have a tax debt to the Internal Revenue Service, you may be able to settle your IRS debt with an offer in compromise, which is a tax settlement.  The IRS uses an equation to determine a taxpayer’s reasonable collection potential and thus an offer amount they will accept to settle a tax debt....
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Individuals or businesses that owe taxes to the Internal Revenue Service will often want to settle their tax debts.  As a tax attorney, I have often been asked, what is a tax settlement or can I settle my IRS tax debt?  The article below has been drafted by a tax attorney at The McGuire Law...
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A Denver tax lawyer at The McGuire Law Firm can assist you in preparing and submitting an offer in compromise to the IRS.  An offer in compromise is a tax settlement with the Internal Revenue Service whereby a taxpayer submits a proposal to pay less than the full amount of tax owed.  The video below...
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An offer in compromise is an agreement with the IRS whereby a taxpayer is able to settle their tax debt for less than the full amount of the debt owed. How is an offer in compromise calculated?  Your offer is calculated based upon your equity in assets and disposable income. How long does the IRS...
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What forms do I need to complete and file with the Internal Revenue Service to submit an offer in compromise and settle my tax debt?  This a common question a taxpayer may ask their tax attorney if they owe taxes to the IRS and are hoping to settle their tax debt.  The answer in short...
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What is an IRS tax settlement?  How can I settle my IRS tax debt?  How much will I have to pay to settle my IRS tax debt?  These are common questions that taxpayers will ask a tax attorney.  The article below has been drafted by a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm, who has...
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What is Form 433A OIC?  This was a recent question one of our clients asked a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm.  The article below has been drafted in an attempt to explain what is requested on Form 433A OIC and how this form is used by the Internal Revenue Service. Form 433A OIC...
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The majority of taxpayers know that they can settle their tax debts with the IRS through an offer in compromise.  However, many taxpayers ask a Denver tax lawyer if Colorado or other states have a similar program whereby they can settle their debts.  Although, each state has different programs to resolve tax liabilities, the state...
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Previously a Denver tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm has written articles regarding the process of preparing and submitting an offer in compromise to the IRS.  However, clients will often ask a tax attorney, “what is the offer process once the offer is submitted to the IRS?”  We hope the article below helps answer...
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In previous articles a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm has explained what an offer in compromise is and how an offer in compromise is calculated.  While we hope these articles have been helpful, we also thought it may help to outline the general procedure of preparing and submitting an offer in compromise to...
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