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IRS Wage Garnishment
Receiving a levy from the IRS, whether it is an IRS bank levy or IRS wage levy is frightening, upsetting and can create a financial disaster.  If you owe taxes to the IRS, there are ways to stop an IRS levy.  The video below has been prepared by a Denver tax attorney to provide additional...
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So your employer received a notice from the IRS to garnish your wages.  That being said, what is an IRS wage garnishment?  The article and video below have been prepared by a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm to provide additional information regarding an IRS wage garnishment. If you owe individual income taxes, or...
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How can I release an IRS wage garnishment?  Can you release an IRS wage garnishment?  As a tax attorney, these are common questions I am asked and therefore, I have prepared the article and video below to provide information regarding IRS wage garnishments, and how such garnishments may be able to be released. In my...
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