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IRS Trust Fund Recovery Penalty
If your business has a 941 employment tax debt (employment taxes) the IRS will likely conduct the 4180 Interview with individuals within the business.  The article and video below have been prepared by a Denver tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm to provide additional information regarding the 4180 Interview.  You can speak with a...
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Quite often a client will be in my office and they will state that their business has a 941 tax debt (employment tax debt).  This generally occurs because the business is tight on cash flow and thus the employees will be paid their net checks, but the taxes withheld will not be paid to the...
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If your business owes 941 tax debts to the IRS you may have been or may be personally assessed the trust fund portion of the 941 tax debt.  If so, a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm can assist you in resolving these matters.  As a tax attorney, John McGuire has assisted and resolved...
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In previous articles our a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm has explained what the trust fund recovery penalty is.  Because many clients and taxpayers inquire as to the process surrounding the personal assessment of the trust fund recovery penalty the article below has been drafted by tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm....
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