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IRS Tax Problems
As a long time business owner of two real estate businesses, I found myself owing a large amount of money to the IRS.  Through research on reputable firms, I found John.  With John’s help, I was able to move past poor decision making between myself and my previous accountant and work toward a resolution that...
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What is an IRS tax problem?  You may have seen or heard commercials regarding IRS tax problems, but what would constitute such a problem?  As a tax attorney I have witnessed many tax problems and the article and video below outlines and discusses these situations. IRS Tax Audits An IRS tax audit would certainly be...
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What is IRS tax relief?  Recently, I was meeting with a client and was asked this question.  When I really thought about IRS tax relief, I realized it is used generally, is subjective and thus likely has different meanings depending upon who you ask and the specific circumstances involved.  The article below has been drafted...
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Whether it be on television, radio or a billboard, it is common to hear and see advertisements for “tax problems.”  What is a tax problem?  The article below has been drafted by a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm to describe common “tax problems” with the Internal Revenue Service or even state taxing authorities....
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IRS Action During the Government Shutdown  As we all know, the U.S. federal government “shutdown” on October 1, 2013 due to the house and senate’s inability to pass a short term spending bill that would continue to keep the government funded.  As a Denver tax lawyer, John McGuire has been paying close attention to the...
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