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IRS Tax Lien
A Notice of Federal Tax Lien can provide a number of problems for a taxpayer.  Recently, the IRS has been releasing the Notice of Federal Tax Lien when a taxpayer successfully has an offer in compromise accepted by the IRS and pays the offer amount.  This is a wonderful benefit to the taxpayer as the...
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Can the Internal Revenue Service refile a Notice of Federal Tax Lien?  This is a very important question if in fact the IRS has filed a tax lien on you or your business.  The answer, of which, greater detail is provided below, is yes, the IRS can refile a tax lien.  The article below has...
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Are tax liens a matter of public record?  If so, why?  The answer is, yes, a tax lien, such as a notice of federal tax lien filed by the Internal Revenue Service is made public.  The reasoning is the same as to why certain debts are made a matter of public record as it provides notice...
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The filing of a federal tax lien by the Internal Revenue Service creates many issues and questions when property is held jointly.  Related issues can arise when the Internal Revenue Service files a tax lien against a party, and the party holds an interest in property but the other owners of the property have no...
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Form 668Y is the form used by the IRS when the IRS files a tax lien.  The form will state the taxpayer, type of tax owed, the amount of tax and period of tax.  Generally, the IRS will file Form 668Y in the county where the taxpayer lives or conducts business and the county or counties where...
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Can a IRS tax lien be released?   This is a common question asked of a tax attorney when an individual or business owes taxes to the IRS and the IRS has filed a tax lien.  The answer is, yes, a tax lien can be released under certain situations and circumstances.  The video below has...
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How does state law impact what a federal tax lien attaches to?  Because state law can vary greatly from state to state, this is an important issue when considering the impact of a federal tax lien issued by the Internal Revenue Service.  The article below has been drafted by a tax attorney in Denver, Colorado...
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What property does an IRS tax lien attach to?  As a tax attorney, I am asked many questions regarding tax liens, and one such question is, what property does the tax lien attach to?  The article below has been prepared to provide additional information regarding the above question.  As always, you should discuss your particular...
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If the Internal Revenue Service has filed a tax lien against me, what are my rights as a taxpayer?  Because a tax lien filed by the IRS can have many negative implications, it is very important that you understand your rights as a taxpayer when the IRS files a Notice of Federal Tax Lien.  The...
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Can an IRS tax lien be re-filed?  Can the IRS re-file the Notice of Federal Tax Lien?  How does the IRS renew a tax lien?  As a tax attorney I have been asked the above questions and therefore have prepared the article below to provide general information regarding such issue.  Please remember, that the article...
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