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IRS Offer in Compromise
In order to be eligible to resolve an outstanding federal tax liability on a voluntary basis (i.e. installment agreement or offer in compromise), as opposed to having it forcefully resolved through collection action such as levies, garnishments, and the seizure of assets, the IRS has two basic requirements.  The first requirement is that you are...
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The article below has been prepared to act as an IRS Offer in Compromise resource page whereby individuals can obtain necessary information regarding an IRS Offer in Compromise.  Please note, this information is not legal advice and should not supplement the advice of a tax attorney or tax professional. What is an IRS Offer in...
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The vast majority of individuals know that they can settle a tax debt with the IRS through an offer in compromise.  As a tax attorney, almost every individual and business that has owed taxes to the IRS has asked me questions related to an offer in compromise.  The article and video below should provide comprehensive...
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If you are looking to settle your tax debt with the IRS through an offer in compromise, you will have options regarding the payment terms.  The video below has been prepared by a Denver tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm to provide information regarding your payment options.   The McGuire Law Firm has law...
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A Denver tax lawyer at The McGuire Law Firm can assist you with IRS problems such as IRS tax debts, IRS audits and other matters. If you owe taxes to the IRS, you may be able to settle your IRS tax debt with an offer in compromise.  The video below has been prepared by a...
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