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What are the FBAR statute of limitations for penalty assessments?  What other FBAR statutes should I be concerned about?  If you have failed to file your FBAR, also known as FinCEN Form 114, you may be asking yourself these questions.  The article below will examine and discuss a few of the related FBAR statutes of...
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If you have foreign bank accounts or interests in foreign assets, you may be required to file the FBAR, which is the reporting of foreign bank and financial accounts.  That being said, who enforces the FBAR regulations, and collects on penalties that have been assessed?  FinCEN has directed that the enforcement of the FBAR be...
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FinCEN is the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.  The goal and objective of FinCEN is to monitor financial institutions through regulations that require certain record keeping, record maintenance and reporting.  Because many crimes such as illegal drug trafficking, terrorism and others involve large sums of money and the use of financial institution, FinCEN and other law...
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