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Denver Business Attorney
At The McGuire Law Firm a Denver business attorney can discuss what entities are available for your business to operate and the implications of such entities.  The video below has been prepared by a business attorney to discuss your general options such as a sole proprietorship, a partnership or a corporation.  Please feel free to...
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A multi-member LLC should have an operating agreement in place to outline the operations and rights of the LLC members.  A Denver business attorney at The McGuire Law Firm can assist you with the preparation of this document and other business documents and issues. Contact The McGuire Law Firm to schedule a free consultation with...
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A tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm can assist you with the tax implications of different business entities and certain business transactions.  You can schedule a free consultation with a Denver tax attorney by contacting The McGuire Law Firm!   Contact The McGuire Law Firm and schedule your free consultation with a tax attorney!...
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Contact The McGuire Law Firm to speak with a Denver business attorney.  A business attorney can assist you with the formation and structure of your business, business contracts and documents and the sale, transfer or disposition of your business interests or assets.  Moreover, a business attorney can assist you with the tax implications of specific...
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Should I be an S corporation?  What is an S corporation?  Business owners may ask their business attorney these questions as they are forming their business or when considering their entity structure and the taxation of their business.  The article below, drafted by a Denver business attorney discusses an S corporation as an entity choice...
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Does bartering create taxable income? Bartering is taxable?  These are common questions and expressions regarding bartering that may be asked of a tax attorney.  Bartering is basically when services are traded.  For example, maybe you own a landscaping business and your neighbor is a mechanic and owns and auto mechanic shop.  You may be having...
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Partnerships are a very popular choice of entity for many small businesses.  There are multiple types of partnerships including a limited liability company (LLC), general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability limited partnership (LLLP) and others.  The article below has been drafted by a Denver small business attorney at The McGuire Law Firm to discuss a...
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What type of business should I be?  Should I form a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation?  These are common questions business owners may ask their business attorney, and they are good questions.  It is important for a business owner to understand their options when forming businesses and the implications.  Choice of entity is...
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Many individuals have the knowledge, experience and/or plan to operate a successful business.  However, a question commonly asked of a business attorney at The McGuire Law Firm is, “how do I start a corporation?”  Many business owners know how to run and operate their business but they are unaware of how to legally start their...
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Small business owners may inquire as to their ability to convert a corporation to a limited liability company (LLC).  A small business attorney at The McGuire Law Firm has drafted the article below to outline some basic issues concerning a corporate conversion.  Prior to converting your corporation, it is recommended that you consult with a...
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