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Deducting Business Expenses
Is an amount paid by a business an expense that is currently deductible, or is it a capital expenditure that should be depreciated,, amortized or depleted?  This issue is one of the most common issues in a tax audit with the Internal Revenue Service, as well as one of the most litigated issues in United...
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Is your business considered a hobby by the Internal Revenue Service?  One of the key questions or issues is whether or not your business is an activity engaged in for profit.  While you may feel your business is established and engaged in for a profit, the IRS may feel otherwise, and the Internal Revenue Code...
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Can I deduct my meals as a business expense?  Can I deduct this flight as a business expense?  Can I deduct the cost of my clothes or uniform as a business expense?  As a tax attorney, these are common questions I am asked, and rightfully so as everyone wants to take advantage of all potential...
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