(720) 833-7705
Mon - Fri : 9:00-5:00
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Choice of Entity
Limited Liability Companies (LLC) are a very popular entity choice and structure for new businesses and closely held entities.  An LLC can be formed quickly and has a lot of flexibility regarding members, operations and taxation structure.  It is not rare for an LLC to eventually consider and perhaps decide to be taxed as an...
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What is a disregarded entity?  This is a common question clients may ask a business attorney at The McGuire Law Firm.  The video below has been prepared by a business attorney to discuss what a disregarded entity is.   Contact The McGuire Law Firm to schedule a free consultation with a Denver business attorney and...
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A Denver tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm can assist you and your business with the tax implications of certain entities.  Additionally, we assist clients as they operate their business by drafting and reviewing contracts, analyzing the tax implications of specific transactions and assisting with the sale, transfer or disposition of business assets or...
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At The McGuire Law Firm a Denver business attorney can discuss what entities are available for your business to operate and the implications of such entities.  The video below has been prepared by a business attorney to discuss your general options such as a sole proprietorship, a partnership or a corporation.  Please feel free to...
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What type of business should I be?  Should I form a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation?  These are common questions business owners may ask their business attorney, and they are good questions.  It is important for a business owner to understand their options when forming businesses and the implications.  Choice of entity is...
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