(720) 833-7705
Mon - Fri : 9:00-5:00
Free Consultation

What Is Financial Power of Attorney?

What Is Financial Power of Attorney?

Estate planning attorneys are frequently asked, “what is a financial power of attorney, and why should I have a financial power of attorney?”


A financial power of attorney allows you to name who can make your financial decisions currently and/or during a time of incapacity (durable). By choosing an individual to make those decisions, you help eliminate controversy and stress. You may also avoid the costly and lengthy legal process of the court making your decisions.


An estate planning attorney at The McGuire Law Firm can assist you with your estate planning questions and an overall plan that meets that your needs.


Contact The McGuire Law Firm to schedule a free consultation with a Denver estate planning attorney.


Let us help you!

If you are looking for immediate assistance with your specific tax situation, please give us a call to speak with an attorney today.

Free Consultation: (720) 833-7705 Mon – Fri 9:00-5:00

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