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Offer in Compromise
In previous articles a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm has explained what an offer in compromise is and how an offer in compromise is calculated.  While we hope these articles have been helpful, we also thought it may help to outline the general procedure of preparing and submitting an offer in compromise to...
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How much will the IRS accept to settle my tax debt through an offer in compromise?  How much will my offer in compromise be?  These are common questions a Denver Tax Attorney at The McGuire Law Firm may be asked.  In some respects, we answer each question the same initially, but our final and true...
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How is an Offer in Compromise Calculated?  An offer in compromise should be considered a tax settlement with the Internal Revenue Service.  When a taxpayer owes money to the IRS, under certain circumstances the taxpayer can submit a proposal to pay less than the amount of tax due.  While many people know what an offer...
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