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Colorado Springs Tax Attorney
The McGuire Law Firm  attempts to not only remain abreast of current tax law, but also remind our  clients, family and friends of current tax deadlines.  A tax attorney has drafted the article below, which outlines specific deadlines for 2014 tax issues.  If you have any questions regarding your requirements please contact our office. –         ...
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What is Form 433A OIC?  This was a recent question one of our clients asked a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm.  The article below has been drafted in an attempt to explain what is requested on Form 433A OIC and how this form is used by the Internal Revenue Service. Form 433A OIC...
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Tax attorneys can represent individuals and business taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service.  What allows tax attorneys to act on behalf of and represent these taxpayers?  The answer is, a Power of Attorney, and for tax purposes before the Internal Revenue Service, specifically, Form 2848. Form 2848 is titled Power of Attorney and Declaration of...
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What is Form 941?  This is a common question many small business owners will ask tax attorneys.  Form 941, is a federal tax form titled, Employers Quarterly Federal Tax Return.  This form is filed quarterly by an employer to report wages paid and wages withheld.   –          1st Quarter covers January through March and is...
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A partnership is a very common entity format for a small business.  Small business owners can form a partnership as a general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability limited partnership (LLLP) and a limited liability company (LLC) is a partnership as well.  The treatment of partnership liabilities can have large impact to the taxation of the...
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As tax attorneys we are often asked, where does all of this tax law come from?  How can there be so much tax law and what weight is given to certain treasury regulations? When looking at the tax law, you have the tax code known as the Internal Revenue Code, the treasury regulations and case...
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The Internal Revenue Service has many forms and schedules, so many that it can become confusing as to which form is needed for certain situations.  The article below drafted by a Denver tax lawyer discusses a few common Internal Revenue Service forms that would be used in resolving an IRS tax debt. Form 433A: Form...
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A new year is upon us, which means federal income tax returns will be due soon.  Each year as we are preparing tax return, reviewing tax returns or conducting tax planning, clients as our tax lawyers, what is a Schedule D?  This is a very important question, especially if you own stocks and/or other capital...
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You have seen their commercials on TV.  You have heard their commercials on the radio.  Maybe you have even been directly solicited by them over the telephone.  I am writing about national tax relief companies, or so they call themselves tax relief companies, but the majority (vast majority) will only take your money with little...
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What is a Schedule C?  This is a common question asked of business attorneys and tax attorneys.  The article below hopefully will  help answer the above question and give additional insight as to the importance of the Schedule C. IRS Form Schedule C is titled Profit or Loss From Business and is a schedule attached...
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