(720) 833-7705
Mon - Fri : 9:00-5:00
Free Consultation

Business Succession Planning and Exit Strategies

Business Succession Planning and Exit Strategies

There are 2 certainties in life, death & taxes.  If you are a business owner, you have the additional certainty that at some point you will transfer your business interests during life or death.  A Denver business attorney can assist you with the transfer of your business interests and business succession planning.


For business owners, part of your business plan must include a transition for your company at your retirement or death. Business succession planning involves complex details with many issues and layers to address. At The McGuire Law Firm a Denver business attorney and tax attorney can create a multifaceted plan to facilitate the business transition.


An experienced attorney can help business owners transition their businesses to the next generation of family members or other third-party owners.  A Denver business attorney can discuss the various options and work with our clients to plan for a future transition. We take into account every legal & tax benefit and disadvantage. This makes the transition as smooth as possible and maximizes our clients’ gain and overall wealth.


Contact The McGuire Law Firm to speak with a Denver business attorney and schedule a free consultation.

Let us help you!

If you are looking for immediate assistance with your specific tax situation, please give us a call to speak with an attorney today.

Free Consultation: (720) 833-7705 Mon – Fri 9:00-5:00

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·  Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00