(720) 833-7705
Mon - Fri : 9:00-5:00
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Business Contracts

Business Contracts

A Denver business attorney at The McGuire Law Firm can provide contract services including drafting, reviewing, negotiating, and terminating contracts for our clients. Various issues arise under all contracts with which we assist our clients.   A business attorney would likely recommend that all businesses obtain the advice and counsel of experienced attorney  when entering into contract negotiations and the execution of a contract or agreement.


The law defines a contract as a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. Despite having a written agreement, sometimes plans do not go as expected.  A Denver business attorney at The McGuire Law Firm will help our clients who find themselves in this situation try to reach an amicable resolution.


Oral contracts typically fare even worse. Memories seem to change over time, especially under stressful circumstances. An experienced Denver business attorneys at The McGuire Law Firm will help draft a contract to successfully plan for future needs.


Another common mistake individuals or businesses make occurs when they use documents drafted by an unknown source in an attempt to save money. They find these documents on the internet, from a friend or co-worker, or from another business. This money saving attempt can end up costing far more in the long run.  Invest in the future success of your business by calling a Denver business attorney at The McGuire Law Firm to draft a specific contract to meet your needs.


The McGuire Law Firm can assist you with the following contracts and agreements:


–          Shareholder Agreements

–          Corporate Bylaws

–          Partnership Agreements and Operating Agreements

–          Leases & Rental Agreements

–          Asset Purchase/Sale Agreements

–          Business Purchase/Sale Agreements

–          Promissory Notes & Loan Agreements

–          Buy/Sell Agreements

–          Employment Agreements

–          Other Contractual Needs


Contact a Denver business attorney at The McGuire Law Firm, and schedule a free consultation.

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Free Consultation: (720) 833-7705 Mon – Fri 9:00-5:00

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