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For many individuals, the Streamlined Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program provided welcome relief in comparison to the “initial” Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program.  Many taxpayers with foreign accounts and assets contact wonder what forms and documents must be filed to apply for the Streamlined Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program.  In general, taxpayer’s must file the necessary FBARs, amend...
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When an offer in compromise is submitted to the IRS, the IRS may agree that the taxpayer is an offer candidate, but not agree with the original offer in compromise amount.  Thus, can the initial offer in compromise be amended?  Yes, the offer can be amended to reflect a different amount and terms. This issue...
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Non-willful conduct is required under the Streamlined Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (Streamlined OVDP).  If the failure to report foreign bank accounts and/or foreign financial assets was non-willful, you may be subject to a lower penalty base.  The key question is, what constitutes non-willful actions by a taxpayer?  Generally, the IRS would consider non-willful to mean...
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As taxpayer you have the right to notice and a hearing prior to the IRS enforcing collection of any tax due.  After the IRS has issued a series a notices, the IRS must issue a Final Notice of Intent to Levy and allow you 30 days to request a hearing, which is generally referred to...
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When an asset is placed into service and depreciation is taken as a deduction, the adjusted basis of the asset will be impacted.  The video below has been prepared by a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm to discuss this issue.  Please remember to always consult your tax attorney, business attorney, CPA and/or other...
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Contributions to a 401(k) are qualified deferrals.  This means that the amount should not be included in your income when calculating income tax.  You can check your W-2 and the amount of taxable wage should not include the 401(k) contributions.  The video below has been prepared by a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm...
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When forming a partnership the partners will make initial capital contributions and may make additional contributions depending upon the operations of the partnership and partnership agreement.  Common capital contributions may include cash, property (vehicles, equipment, computers etc.) and sometimes services. The video below has been prepared by a tax attorney and business attorney at The...
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If you are under audit by the IRS, have received a notice of deficiency or the IRS is attempting to collect past due taxes, you can receive representation.  The video below has been prepared by a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm to provide information regarding who can represent you before the Internal Revenue...
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A taxpayer has the right to a collection due process hearing with the Internal Revenue Service Appeals Office under certain circumstances.  This hearing can be very beneficial to a taxpayer in terms of preventing enforcement action such as a bank levy or wage garnishment and by a means to establish or propose an agreement with...
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What are my rights as a taxpayer?  What appeal rights do I have regarding IRS actions or decisions?  These are common questions a taxpayer may have when a tax liability is owed to the IRS and the taxpayer is in the collection process with the IRS.  The information below has been provided for general information...
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