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May 2018
Many individuals (and businesses) buy stock and securities with the hopes and intent of the securities appreciating and perhaps paying interest or dividends.  What determines when an individual is treated as an investor, dealer or trader?  Furthermore, what is the tax treatment and proper way to report income and expenses when one is classified as...
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Is the money I receive in a lawsuit settlement taxable?  If you have received money via a lawsuit settlement, you may be asking yourself this exact question.  Perhaps you were injured in a car accident, or filed suit against a prior employer for wrongful termination and are now receiving a monetary settlement.  The settlement may...
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How and when do criminal tax investigations begin?  Many people have heard of persons being criminally indicted or charged with tax-based claims for failing to pay tax or failing to file tax returns, but how does the government begin or initiate the criminal tax process?  The article below has been prepared by a tax attorney...
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