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December 2015
Often times a payment or payments to S corporation shareholders will be booked or accounted for as a loan to shareholder.  Sometimes this is purposefully, other times, it may be due to lack of options.  These loans can be advantageous with the proper planning and/or under certain circumstances, but they can also create and lead...
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Embezzlement or theft may be a more frequent issue faced by small and medium sized businesses than many people think.  Often office managers or employees will improperly take money or assets from a business.  Although, perhaps not as common as an employee misappropriating monies or assets, I have seen professionals, such as the businesses CPA...
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What is the effect of an individual’s residency and the application of estate taxes?  This may be an issue that does not apply to you or your clients because you or your client is a citizen of the United States and thus the law is relatively clear that tax on the individual’s estate is subject...
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