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March 2015
A financial power of attorney can be a very useful document for many reasons and under different circumstances.  Many people will have their financial power of attorney prepared ad executed when they undergo their estate planning.  If you have questions relating to a financial power of attorney, other estate planning documents or estate planning questions...
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The City and County of Denver can assess and collect a use tax for the use and/or storage of certain tangible property.  The video below has been prepared by a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm to provide additional information regarding use tax.  You can contact The McGuire Law Firm to speak with a...
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A confidentiality agreement can be a very useful agreement and used in different legal contracts.  The video below has been prepared by a business attorney to provide additional information regarding a confidentiality agreement. You can speak with  a business attorney in Denver, Colorado by contacting The McGuire Law Firm.
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In previous articles S corporation stock basis has been discussed, and specifically what items will increase the stock basis and what items will decrease stock basis.  However, there are ordering rules when increasing S corporation stock basis, which is very important because the taxation of a distribution from an S corporation and deductibility of a...
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Receiving a levy from the IRS, whether it is an IRS bank levy or IRS wage levy is frightening, upsetting and can create a financial disaster.  If you owe taxes to the IRS, there are ways to stop an IRS levy.  The video below has been prepared by a Denver tax attorney to provide additional...
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Form 668Y is the form used by the IRS when the IRS files a tax lien.  The form will state the taxpayer, type of tax owed, the amount of tax and period of tax.  Generally, the IRS will file Form 668Y in the county where the taxpayer lives or conducts business and the county or counties where...
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