(720) 833-7705
Mon - Fri : 9:00-5:00
Free Consultation


December 2014
The McGuire Law Firm provides a free consultation with a business attorney.  John McGuire, the founding partner of The McGuire Law Firm believes it is important to provide a free consultation to small business owners for many reasons.  First and foremost, as a business attorney, Mr. McGuire views his relationships with clients as a long...
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What are some of the typical or general documents and agreements that parties will enter into when business assets, business interests or a business are being purchased and sold?  This is a common question a business owner may ask their business attorney when they are preparing to sell their business or purchase a business.  Although,...
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Can a IRS tax lien be released?   This is a common question asked of a tax attorney when an individual or business owes taxes to the IRS and the IRS has filed a tax lien.  The answer is, yes, a tax lien can be released under certain situations and circumstances.  The video below has...
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Many individuals who own closely held business interests, such as an interest within a limited liability company or closely held corporation will enter into a buy sell agreement.  These individuals (and perhaps their estate) may accomplish a number of planning objectives and goals with a buy sell agreement, and potentially optimize income, gift and estate...
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What is a letter of intent?  This is a common question a client may ask their business attorney.  A letter of intent may be used in a handful of circumstances and can be useful tool when parties are attempting to spell out the major terms and conditions of an agreement prior to moving forward with...
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The City and County of Denver requires that hotels, motels, inns and other establishments collect a lodging tax from patrons and remit such lodging tax to the City and County of Denver.  A taxpayer required to collect and remit the lodging tax may do so by filing a monthly tax return (or quarterly tax return) with...
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Often the sale or exchange of property may be between related parties.  Losses on the sale or exchange of property between related parties is not deductible.  This rule on nondeductible losses applies to both direct and indirect transactions, but would  not apply when a corporation distributed property to a shareholder in a complete liquidation of...
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What is the basis in property that you receive via right of survivorship?  This is an important question for tax and estate planning purposes.  For tax purposes, your basis will impact your gain upon the sale or exchange of the property.  For estate planning purposes, you may hold property differently or gift certain property differently...
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Does a revocable living trust provide asset protection?  In general, no a revocable living trust would not provide asset protection.  If the trust is revocable, and thus the grantor can revoke the trust and reach the assets as they wish, then the grantor could certainly do so for the benefit of their creditors.  The video...
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Most people know what a will and last testament is and that a will is used to state your wishes regarding the disposition of your property.  However, many estate planning attorneys are still asked questions such as:  Who can be in my will?  What are the parties in a will?  What roles need to be...
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