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November 2014
Often the sale or exchange of property may be between related parties.  Losses on the sale or exchange of property between related parties is not deductible.  This rule on nondeductible losses applies to both direct and indirect transactions, but would  not apply when a corporation distributed property to a shareholder in a complete liquidation of...
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How does state law impact what a federal tax lien attaches to?  Because state law can vary greatly from state to state, this is an important issue when considering the impact of a federal tax lien issued by the Internal Revenue Service.  The article below has been drafted by a tax attorney in Denver, Colorado...
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo,...
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If you owe taxes to the IRS or are going through an IRS tax audit, a Denver tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm can help you with your IRS issues.  A tax attorney can assist you with the following issues related to an IRS tax debt: – Offer in compromise (IRS tax settlement) –...
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What is considered intangible property and how is the sale or transfer of intangible property taxed?  Intangible property could be considered personal property that has a value to it, but the property cannot be seen or touched.  Thus, in regards to intangible property consider property such as the goodwill from a business, which would be...
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What is a stock sale?  How is a stock sale different from an asset sale?  Is a stock sale or asset sale better?  As a business attorney, these are common questions I hear from clients when they are considering selling their business.  A stock sale and an asset sale have advantages and disadvantages, which may...
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What is a limited partnership? Previously, a Denver business attorney from The McGuire Law Firm has discussed certain types of entities including partnerships in previous articles.  The article below will discuss a limited partnership. A limited partnership could be considered a type of hybrid business structure because there are multiple types of partners/members. In a...
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What property does an IRS tax lien attach to?  As a tax attorney, I am asked many questions regarding tax liens, and one such question is, what property does the tax lien attach to?  The article below has been prepared to provide additional information regarding the above question.  As always, you should discuss your particular...
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If you are experiencing problems with the Internal Revenue Service, you may want to consider hiring a tax attorney to represent you before the IRS.  The IRS procedure and current tax code can be confusing and scary to individuals and businesses that are not familiar with it.  Thus, hiring a tax attorney may save you...
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If the Internal Revenue Service has filed a tax lien against me, what are my rights as a taxpayer?  Because a tax lien filed by the IRS can have many negative implications, it is very important that you understand your rights as a taxpayer when the IRS files a Notice of Federal Tax Lien.  The...
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