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September 2014
In a previous article Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) and Umbrella Partnership Real Estate Investment Trusts (UPREIT) were discussed in the “realm” of a 1031 like kind exchange.  As a follow up to such article, the article below will discuss some potential benefits regarding an UPREIT as well as potential disadvantages or items for consideration...
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So your employer received a notice from the IRS to garnish your wages.  That being said, what is an IRS wage garnishment?  The article and video below have been prepared by a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm to provide additional information regarding an IRS wage garnishment. If you owe individual income taxes, or...
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When Section 1250 property is transferred in a 1031 like kind exchange, is there Section 1250 gain from the transaction?  This was a recent research issue I came across, and thought it would make a nice informational article for those considering a 1031 like kind exchange.  Thus, the article below discusses issues related to Section...
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A K-1 is an informational return, and a shareholder in an S Corporation would receive a K-1 stating that shareholder’s share of gain, loss, credits etc. from the S Corporation.  Because an S corporation is a pass through entity, the S corporation does not pay income tax, but rather the shareholders claim the items on...
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Where is a tax lien filed?  The place of filing of a lien is important for multiple reasons and will be discussed in the article below.  Please understand the information provided below and within this email is for informational purposes.  You should always contact a tax attorney or tax professional to discuss current law and/or...
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