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May 2014
In a previous article drafted by a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm, taxation issues upon the sale of a partnership interest were discussed.  The article below has been drafted by a Denver tax attorney to discuss the character of the gain or loss upon the sale of a partnership interest and the Collapsible...
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What does a tax attorney do?  This is a common question I am asked.  The world of taxation can be vast and complex and the practice of law in this field can be broad or specific.  Further, taxation relates to almost every area of law.  For example, when working with businesses, tax considerations are made...
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A Denver tax lawyer at The McGuire Law Firm can assist taxpayers in resolving their debts and potentially settling their tax debt with the IRS through an offer in compromise.  The video below provides general information regarding the offer in compromise equation and certain deductions and exemptions taxpayers may be able to receive when calculating...
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The McGuire Law Firm handles tax matters for our Colorado clients from tax planning and tax analysis to representation before the Internal Revenue Service regarding IRS tax debts, tax audits and other tax matters.  The video below has been prepared by a tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm to provide information on some of...
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Are you considering selling your partnership?  If so, are you wondering what the tax implications and issues of such sale and disposition will be?  The article below has been drafted by a Denver tax attorney at The McGuire Law Firm and discusses the tax matters and issues regarding the sale of an entire partnership business....
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What is IRS debt relief?  I have heard many people and/or companies refer to IRS help or IRS representation as IRS debt relief when an individual or a business owes taxes to the Internal Revenue Service.  I think that “IRS debt relief” focuses on resolving an outstanding tax debt to the IRS and/or lowering an...
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What is economic effect in relation to substantial economic effect?  In previous articles I have discussed substantial economic effect in general and the background or history.  The regulations under IRC 704(b) test a partnership allocation to determine if it has substantial economic effect, and such is a two-part test.  First the allocation must have economic...
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When starting a business or acquiring additional capital for a business you may need to decide between obtaining a loan or capital contributions in the form of cash or property.  Both options have advantages and disadvantages for the parties involved.  A Denver business attorney at The McGuire Law Firm has prepared the video below to...
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How do businesses merge, or how does one business acquire another business?  Maybe you have read of mergers and acquisitions in the Wall Street Journal, or maybe you hear about them on the news.  But, how do these mergers or acquisitions actually occur internally in terms of corporate ownership?  There are multiple ways for one...
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So you have worked hard with your partners and built a strong and respectful business.  Now you wish to sell your partnership interest.  Maybe you are looking to retire, or maybe you just want to try a new endeavor, but regardless you are going to sell your partnership interest.  As you begin the process, a...
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